How to get smooth legs for the summer

Young girl relaxing at home If you are interested in smooth, hair-free legs this summer, it might be time to ask the Skin and Beauty Center of California team about the advantages of laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is quickly gaining popularity for women ready to stop shaving and waxing and start living their lives–without unwanted hair!

Understanding laser hair removal treatment and how it works

Laser hair removal is a common medical procedure that uses concentrated light to penetrate the hair follicle and destroy the hair growth cells. The result is permanent hair reduction and removal. Because the laser light penetrates hair follicles in the active growth phase, it needs to be done several times over weeks and months to target all hair in the treatment area.

Where can laser hair reduction and removal be performed?

This laser treatment is performed on any part of the body where unwanted hair grows, including the following:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Underarms
  • Bikini area
  • Back

How does it work?

Laser hair removal works at targeting the pigment, or melanin, in the hair shaft with pulses of laser light. The heat from the laser actually damages the hair follicle and prevents future hair growth. Because each pulse of laser light targets several hairs at once, multiple treatments may be necessary for optimal results and full hair removal. Those who are seeking a reduction in hair thickness on the part of the body, such as the arms, will need fewer treatments than someone seeking full hair removal.

Is laser hair removal safe?

Laser hair removal has been performed for many years to help patients achieve hair-free skin on various parts of the body. When performed by a trained and experienced skin care provider at the Skin and Beauty Center, patients can rest easy knowing that their treatment is safe and effective at providing the desired results without damage or harm to the surrounding skin.

How do I learn more about the laser hair removal treatment?

Laser hair reduction and removal is a great way to stop spending hours shaving, waxing, and using depilatory creams to remove unwanted hair. Call one of our several convenient office locations throughout California to learn more about the benefits of this revolutionary service.

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